Worldwide Oilfield Machine has proposed to set up a sector-specific SEZ for engineering in beads embroidery machines Manufacturers Pune over 58.76 lakh crore and have generated employment for 15.67 lakh crore in 2015-16.After the government imposed minimum alternate tax and dividend distribution tax, these zones started losing their sheen.Exports from these zones logged a marginal growth of 0.The commerce ministry has time and again called upon its finance counterpart not to abolish the tax incentives being enjoyed by SEZs as their removal would hurt exports and job creation.Developers and units in SEZs enjoy certain tax and other procedural benefits. The exports from such 204 zones stood at Rs 4.34 hectares.They then analysed the bacterial samples using next-generation metagenomic DNA sequencing to determine the identity and abundance of all microbes present."
Our approach had the benefit of sampling the same cadavers repeatedly as they decomposed and we think that this really added to the ability of our machine learning approach to see through all of the massive amount of noisy data and detect the underlying patterns," said Lents. "While we consider this a pilot study, it is a verypromising proof-of-concept, and I think that microbiome-based approaches will eventually become the standard method of determining the time since death for bodies that are discovered after some time of decomposition," Lents said.
With this very large data set, the researchers used a machine learning approach to scrutinise the bacterial communities and how they change over time as the bodies decomposed. A team led by Nathan H Lents of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice sampled bacteria from the ear and nasal canals of 21 cadavers through several weeks of decomposition. "By knowing which microbes take over a dead body and how long it takes, forensic scientists might be able to use this technique to determine time of death or other aspects of a crime scene," said DeSalle.New York: Bacteria found on the body could help forensic scientists more accurately determine the time of death or other aspects of a crime scene, a new study has found. This degree of accuracy holds through several weeks of decomposition, a substantial improvement over presently available methods.
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 343
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 10
مجموع امتیاز : 10